¿Y tú ya estás listo para atender a tus clientes?

Are you ready to serve your customers?

Are you ready to serve your customers?

According to the SAT, in Mexico the electronic invoice is the only means of fiscal verification recognized in the tax provisions; for years the SAT implemented the use of digital documents which have undergone continuous changes.

This year, version 3.3 of the electronic invoice came into effect on July 1, and although taxpayers have the latest date to use it until November 30 of this year, it is important to be prepared as soon as possible.

The changes to electronic invoicing are intended to ensure that the data recorded is uniform and allows the tax authority to identify the issuing taxpayer and the type of transaction carried out.

Therefore it is an obligation of whoever:

  • Carry out economic activities
  • Receives an income
  • Make a withholding or pay payroll

In Mexico, 99.8% of companies are SMEs, of which only 6% currently use "ICTs", so we consider this an opportunity to do business, offering consulting services and reliable software solutions that help them with tax requirements.

At Microsip you are ready!

At Microsip we are ready to assist SMEs to resolve their “billing problems” and other tax changes. We have all the requirements for CFDI3.3 invoices, such as:

  • RFC issuer
  • RFC receiver
  • SAT Key
  • Description of the product or service
  • Digital stamp
  • SAT stamp
  • Two-dimensional barcode
  • Place and date of issue
  • Quantity and unit of measurement
  • Unit value
  • Method of payment
  • Amount
  • Taxes
  • Payment method
  • SAT Folio
  • Certification date and time
  • Tax regime

With Microsip's update and maintenance scheme, customers can rest easy, as they have the tax guarantee, which protects them against any reforms and tax provisions.

As a representative, you can be sure that you are working with a brand that supports and respects you. In addition, if you need training on this topic, we offer mentoring from experts in each area.

If your software consulting company wants to incorporate this line of business and take advantage of the high demand, or provide a reliable solution to your clients, we invite you to collaborate with us as a distributor and grow your company with the help of a recognized brand in the country.

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Buenas tardes Daniel; respondiendo a tus dudas te comento que la última versión de Microsip ya incluye el catalogo en una herramienta que se encuentra en todos los módulos que utilizan el “catálogo de artículos”.
Respecto a tu segunda pregunta te comento que a partir de la tercera versión de Microsip 2017, que salió el pasado 25 de septiembre, ya está incluida la posibilidad de emitir CFDI 3.3.
Para hacerte llegar la información de manera detallada nuestro departamento de soporte se pondrá en contacto contigo por correo.
¡Gracias por tus comentarios!

Karolina Cámara

Estoy interesado en 2 puntos:

1.- el primero y mas importante es como ayudar al cliente yba mi a descargar el catalogo con codificacion de productos y servicios que se facturan.

2.- que actualizacion tendra nuestro sistema en cuestion a esta actializacion

Daniel Carbajal

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