¿Te consideras un jefe o un líder?

Do you consider yourself a boss or a leader?

Do you consider yourself a boss or a leader?

Companies around the world are increasingly looking for leaders rather than bosses when hiring staff or promoting one of their own. Why do you think this might be?

In order to understand this, we need to start by defining and understanding these two concepts.

Boss is a term used for a person who is at the top of a hierarchy and who has the necessary powers to command a group of subordinates.

To be a good boss, it is vital to have a series of qualities, including, for example, the ability to communicate. He must be conciliatory when necessary and must have the ability to delegate. With these qualities, what we are trying to make clear is that this individual must develop direct, fluid, sincere and respectful communication with his employees.

The leader, on the other hand, has the ability to influence other people. His conduct or words can motivate the members of a group to work together towards a common goal.

Some of the most important characteristics of every successful leader are: that he knows how to listen to the other members of his group; that he approaches each one of them and takes the time to get to know them well, paying special attention to their needs; that he does not present himself as an all-powerful master, but rather tries to give each one a space, so that everyone feels that they are part of the decisions; that he knows how to learn from his mistakes and that he is not afraid of change, since in this lies the secret of his continuity in the role.

The main differences?

  1. A leader thinks of people as people. A boss prioritizes resumes and degrees.
  2. A leader understands that if the team is not up to par, he is responsible. A boss understands that if he is not up to par, the team is responsible.
  3. A leader strives to visualize the future. A boss focuses on short-term results.
  4. A leader gets excited when his team members achieve great things. A boss feels threatened.
  5. A leader wants to earn respect. A boss wants to be liked.
  6. A leader knows how to understand mistakes and reorient the situation. A boss wants to point out who made the mistake.
  7. The leader knows all his collaborators personally and is genuinely interested in their lives. The boss knows his team in a depersonalized way.

Have you noticed the difference? While a boss is an authority that delegates responsibilities and directs a group in its activities, a leader is at the side of his colleagues, helping them and encouraging them to excel. A leader works alongside his colleagues and does not order them what to do, but advises them and explains the reasons for the decisions he makes, which is what the owners of the most important companies prefer.

And what would you rather be, a leader or a boss?

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