¿Por qué contratar un sistema de nómina para mi empresa?

Why should I hire a payroll system for my company?

Microsip, the ERP that has experts who will help you keep track of your employees' payroll and comply with all tax obligations in a timely manner automatically.

Nowadays, having an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in our companies is an essential necessity since it not only improves the productivity and profitability of your business; it also helps it survive in the market.

ERPs meet certain business needs, such as administrative needs, where organizational processes can be carried out (such as attendance registration) and financial processes (payroll payment), the latter being a very important process for the company, since it covers everything from employee support to the influence of a good work environment.

The payroll could be considered the heart of the company, since it does not only include a salary paid to a worker, but it is also worked on based on their expectations, agreements, responsibilities and human capital needs; in other words, employees depend directly on the payroll since it is used to keep track of their family and personal finances.

Payroll is a key element for companies, so it is important to pay special attention to it by seeking professional advice in the area to obtain proper management of employee payroll as well as compliance with the requested tax obligations.

Microsip is a mixed ERP (manual/automatic) that has administrative experts who will help you keep track of your employees' payroll and comply in a timely manner with all tax obligations automatically.

Since September 30, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) published through its website the technical specification of the CFDI payroll payment receipt complement (payroll complement), which will be in effect as of January 1, 2017.

Microsip Payroll is the most practical and functional system in Mexico that keeps you up to date with all tax regulations. Learn about some of its functions that will help you manage this process in the best way:

• Generate electronic payroll receipts with the new tax obligations
• Issues the CFDI electronic payment complement
• Establish payment frequencies, whether weekly, biweekly, ten-weekly, etc.
• Accurately calculate ISR, SUA, IMSS, Infonavit, PTU, etc.

At Microsip, we have the best Payroll solution for your company. If you are interested in our system, contact us.

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