Modelo de Negocio Exitoso

Successful Business Model

Successful Business Model

All companies use a business model.

Business model design is also known as business model concept; a successful model represents a better way of doing business than existing alternatives.

What is it for?

It will allow you to know who you are, how you do it, at what cost, with what means, the sources of income you will obtain, among other things.

Importance of belonging to a business model

When joining a distribution network you must take into account the business model and that there will be agreements such as the use of corporate image, processes, indicators and other tools that will make you successful.

In Mexico, 65% of IT companies fail, and one of the reasons why this happens is because they do not have a model to support them; this is why joining a distribution network with a proven business model is important.

Microsip as a business model

We provide our distributor network with a proven, successful model with information, tools and methodologies that, if used correctly, will help turn your company into a heritage asset.


  • Target market
  • Market size
  • Prices
  • History
  • Competence


  • CRM Platform
  • Weekly or monthly indicators
  • Demo padlock
  • Advertising material


  • Macro processes
  • Courses
  • Organizational charts

A business is a serious matter and cannot be managed with feelings or intuition. With the appropriate and well-founded information, decisions can be made to generate wealth for the company. Our business model allows you to have better control in areas such as marketing, sales, implementation, and even after-sales service.

At Microsip we show you that by adopting and executing the model to the letter you can grow 25% annually as a distributor.

For this reason and more, we invite you to learn about and become part of the network of distributors with the largest number of satisfied customers in the country.

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