Las empresas son las personas que trabajan en ellas

Companies are the people who work in them

Companies are the people who work in them

The competitiveness of SMEs and large companies is largely due to the quality of their staff, which is why it is important to dedicate time and resources to recruiting and retaining staff. The work team is essential for the development, growth and consolidation of a company.

It has been proven that teamwork is more fruitful than individual tasks; it is important that the team covers the necessary competencies to be able to generate prospects, serve them and maintain them in an appropriate manner, in order to fulfill the company's mandate.

One of the most important responsibilities of a leader is to manage the workforce, making sure that the right people are there and in the right numbers so that the company can grow steadily.

“The productivity of a company does not depend on how much time is invested, but on the efficiency of its employees”

Your company is growing and requires a work team

All companies, regardless of their size, must have three types of resources, which are:

  1. Human: The people who work in the company.
  2. Material: Furniture, office, machinery, vehicles, etc.
  3. Financial: Cash, contributions and profits.

As a Microsip distributor, your company must have at least 2 positions, which are:

  1. Operations Coordinator.

Responsible for generating pre-qualified prospects for the sale of administrative computer systems, consulting services and additional applications.

  1. Sales consultant.

Promoter of Microsip systems, additional applications and consulting, by identifying the problems of our clients; becoming the leading consultant who solves the problems of administrative information efficiency.

Delegating seems difficult, but it is necessary for your company to grow. Managing functions and tasks by area will allow each person to focus on what they do best and provide greater value, which is why having people you trust is essential.

Having a specific job requires more responsibility to complete and achieve good results, so it is important that the team is committed to their duties.

If you are ready to start delegating responsibilities to accelerate your company's growth, contact us to help you find the right staff.

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