¿Conoces qué es la comunicación organizacional y cómo influye en tu empresa?

Do you know what organizational communication is and how it influences your company?

Do you know what organizational communication is and how it influences your company?

Organizational communication as a concept is understood as a set of techniques and activities to facilitate and expedite the flow of messages between members of an organization or between the organization and its environment.

Communication in companies seems easy, but doing it in a truly effective way is not so easy, but achieving it has benefits such as increased productivity and competitiveness. During the work day, instructions are received, information is delivered, and work teams are constantly coordinated. Hence the importance of achieving effective communication in work organizations.

Types of communication

  1. Internal communication

Through the structure of the company or organization, it facilitates the communication process for staff in order to:

  • Promote communication among staff.
  • Facilitate integration between staff and the organization.
  • Strengthen staff cohesion.
  • Contribute and facilitate spaces for the exchange of information.
  1. External communication

It consists of designing and transmitting information from the company or organization to customers, suppliers and distributors, to maintain external or public relations.

  • To publicize the services provided by the company through advertising, donations or sponsorship.
  • Inter-institutional relations are maintained in order to formalize alliances, develop projects or market strategies.

Tips to improve communication skills

  1. Be specific. Mastering communication doesn't mean talking a lot, making endless presentations or sending long emails. Focus on being clear in your ideas and eliminate the filler to convey precise messages.
  2. Learn to listen. A good listener doesn't miss information, asks appropriate questions, and understands the person he or she is talking to. You can create empathy with phrases like "Give me more details so I can understand why you think that way."
  3. Choose the right medium. You might get a lot more from some people if you approached them in person. Use your insight to approach people in the right way - sometimes a phone call can be more personal and effective than an email, other times you'll get better results if you send a short, clear email.

At Microsip, communication is divided into two main channels: customer service as a basic tool for a strong and long-lasting customer-company relationship, and communication within the network of distributors and collaborators.

The main means of communication used by the network to maintain communication with customers in order to keep in touch, understand their requirements and satisfy their needs are:

  • Social networks
  • Microsip Club
  • Mail
  • Phone calls

On the other hand, there are the means used by the network to maintain communication with each other, to be informed of newsletters, discounts, changes, events, etc. which are:

  • Microsip Club
  • CRM
  • Mail
  • Phone calls

It is true that communication through digital platforms is very useful and allows for the transmission of all kinds of information, no matter how complex and extensive it may be, but person-to-person communication will always be the best way to do it.

We recommend that if you notice that the work environment in your business is rigid, implementing an open-door policy can be a solution, as communication flows naturally, which favors relationships. With this policy in place, the environment can be more pleasant, as the treatment is more humane and cordial. In addition, it avoids “hallway rumors” and misunderstandings.

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