The technology consulting market.
The technology consulting market.
ERPs are an important part of business processes, they facilitate the achievement of goals and their proper use and implementation lead to determining the strategies that must be followed so that a company achieves its growth more quickly. Technology is used in all types of companies, computer systems are part of a new business model. Technology consulting specializes in advising companies on how to use computer resources that adapt to their needs with a strategic business vision.
Professional consulting services in general have increased. Mexico is the country in Latin America that has 29% of the market, surpassed by Brazil, which represents 44% of billing for these services.
Technology consulting no longer only covers the analysis of security systems, communication, or access to computer programs. It is focused on the best use of new technological resources, on the implementation of ERP as an integral part of the operating model of companies.
This is why it is important to value consulting, to know that it is not just about selling systems but also training time, implementation, support and maintenance. At Microsip we consider the consultant to be the cornerstone of our brand, we appreciate their dedication, professionalism and experience.
At Microsip our goal is to exceed our clients' expectations because a well-served company becomes a loyal customer.